Friday, March 30, 2012


Your looks won't tell me how good or bad you are
Poor eyes, can't judge a human too far.
You may see a lovely lotus in the mud,
Or even in a full moon, you may see a scar!!
(This first stanza is a translation of a stanza in a Hindi poem I had read a long time ago; I still remember it)

You may wear the most expensive clothes in the mall
And hold everyone in the city in thrall.
The love has a different and deeper language.
For that, its your heart only, who has to call !!

Appearances may be deceptive and the words ostensible.
You may be right and still too vulnerable.
See more than you look, listen more than you hear.
The person crossing the road may be your dear !!

The person crossing the road may be your dear !!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Sweet Newborn

I see the purity in you;
that I had started doubting the existence of.
I love the way you look at me;
Thoughtless, timeless, no crests, no troughs.

You make me smile
In a way I haven't smiled before.
I keep looking at you, while you
look-aimlessly or sleep, cry or snore.

You are worth giving up everything,
But alas! I have to teach you all that...
That you will have to unlearn
Once you realize there is good and there is bad.

Please don't grow too fast
Or just freeze the time.
Your lack of purpose, your innocence
make me and my poems rhyme.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

All in One

When u have all the colors, you have white.
When you have all the wisdom, you are silent.
When you have all the sounds, you hear Om.
When you have all the emotions, you are thoughtless.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I am in ambivalence.

I feel vacuous ness if I don't perform,
But my hollowness, when I attempt performing.

I am in ambivalence.

I start thinking when I should sleep,
And start sleeping, When I should cerebrate.

I am in ambivalence.

I miss her when she is away,
And think of self-sufficiency, when she is there.

I am in ambivalence.